HMRC reveals top 10 tax fraud cases of 2017
By Tom Carnegie, 4 Jan 18
In its ongoing fight against tax evasion, HM Revenue & Customs has revealed its top ten tax fraud and organised crime cases of 2017. The list includes people with offshore accounts, a would-be spy, millionaires, accountants and data thieves. All cases came with large prison sentences.
HMRC fraud investigations led to 762 individuals, who were involved in tax crimes, being convicted in 2017.
These convictions resulted in more than 1,000 years of sentences being dished out by the courts.
Convictions were secured for pocketing employees’ income tax contributions, failing to declare income and offering fake tax breaks to wealthy investors, as well as tax credits and fuel fraud.
Click through the slides to see HMRC’s ten most significant cases of 2017.