HMRC reveals top 10 tax fraud cases of 2017
By Tom Carnegie, 4 Jan 18
In its ongoing fight against tax evasion, HM Revenue & Customs has revealed its top ten tax fraud and organised crime cases of 2017. The list includes people with offshore accounts, a would-be spy, millionaires, accountants and data thieves. All cases came with large prison sentences.

A Kings Lynn man, Raymond Thomas, 71, who told his family and friends he was a spy travelling abroad when in reality he was visiting holiday homes bought with the proceeds of a £1.6 million VAT fraud.
The fantasist told HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigators he worked for US Homeland Security and produced key components for a drone.
He even complained to the Prime Minister “as a desperate measure” to obtain money withheld by HMRC, claiming he worked “fiercely and patriotically in the protection of the citizens of this country and others”.