Macro Views | video 28 Jun 17
Current global expansion may not last, says Newton’s Mulhern
The current steady expansion in the global economy may not last as central banks tighten policy around the world, says Brendan Mulhern, global strategist at Newton Investment Management, a BNY Mellon company.
Emerging Markets | video 12 May 17
Where to find best value in emerging market debt under Trump
US president Trump’s trade and immigration policies are targeted at only three countries in the emerging market space which leaves more than enough investment opportunities for his portfolios, says Bryan Carter, head of emerging markets fixed income at BNP Paribas Investment Partners.
A different breed of expat seeking international healthcare
New types of internationally mobile people are fuelling demand for global healthcare benefits rather than the more traditional expat profile, according to Tom Winfield, Bupa Global head of intermediary relationships.
Best Practice | video 10 May 17
How to earn up to £140,000 of tax savings by 2020
Now that the start button for the phased introduction of the nil rate residential band has been pressed, John Haley, technical sales manager at Utmost Wealth Solutions, explains that there are “many holes to leap through” to achieve the biggest outcome.
Best Practice | video 10 May 17
How the tricky ‘stay of execution’ for UK non-doms will unfold
The UK new non-dom rules which were dramatically dropped from the government’s finance bill has left those who prepared for those changes “in a very difficult position”, says Paul Thompson, tax and estate planning consultant at Canada Life.