Best Practice | news 24 Jan 18
UK wealthy struggle to understand inheritance tax
More than two thirds of UK consumers with assets of more than £325,000 ($454,305, €370,339) do not know their estate may be liable for an inheritance tax (IHT) bill, according to research by Canada Life.
Best Practice | news 24 Jan 18
Advisers must be aware of the complexities US clients face
American citizens living outside the US often have their financial lives made more complex by local advisers who do not appreciate their need for joined up advice to avoid negative tax treatment by US or local authorities.
Best Practice | news 24 Jan 18
Pension freedoms withdrawals hit fresh low
Withdrawals under the pension freedoms have hit an all time low, reducing the need for emergency regulation or government intervention, an industry expert says.
Best Practice | news 24 Jan 18
Pension scammers ordered to repay £13.7m in landmark ruling
Four fraudsters who squandered the pension savings of 245 people have been ordered by the UK High Court to pay back £13.7m ($19.1m, €15.6m), the first time such an order has been obtained.
STM moves Gibraltar HQ to UK amid ‘exceptional circumstances’
Cross border financial services provider STM Group has confirmed it is moving its headquarters from Gibraltar to the UK this month.