Phoenix £6bn offshore bond grab opens market to last players
The acquisition of Standard Life Aberdeen’s UK and European insurance arm will net closed book insurer Phoenix Group around £6bn ($8.35bn, €6.8bn) in offshore bonds, Phoenix Group’s head of corporate communications, Shellie Wells, confirmed to International Adviser.
Fidelity makes U-turn on research costs
Fidelity International has reversed its stance on research costs and is joining many asset managers in absorbing the fees of external research, instead of passing it on to clients.
SJP launches discretionary wealth management service in Asia
St James’s Place Wealth Management has launched discretionary managed accounts in Hong Kong, its first such offering in Asia.
Standard Life Aberdeen exits life insurance
Following the sale of Standard Life Aberdeen’s insurance arm to consolidator Phoenix Group for £3bn ($4.2bn, €3.4bn), the company will have no insurance business at all, a spokesperson confirmed to International Adviser.
Generali to invest €3.5bn into ‘green’ sectors
Italy’s Generali Group is to increase investments in “green” sectors by €3.5bn (£3.1bn, $4.3bn) by 2020, mainly by ploughing money into bonds that finance environmentally beneficial projects and investing directly in cleaner infrastructure.