The Lang Cat: 90% of platform assets at risk
Approximately 90% of the £519bn ($724bn, €587bn) assets held on adviser platforms are at risk of disruption from a major business change, according to The Lang Cat.
Best Practice | news 16 Mar 18
US to shut $11bn offshore voluntary disclosure programme
The disclosure scheme that allows US taxpayers hiding offshore accounts to come clean and face more lenient penalties will close in September 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced this week.
SimplyBiz to float next month
IFA adviser SimplyBiz is floating on the London Stock Exchange’s Alternative Investment Market (Aim) next month.
PEOPLE MOVES: S Africa taxman, Fidelity Int’l, Charles Stanley
Allegations of money laundering and corruption have brought down the chief of the South Africa Revenue Services’ business and individual tax division. Senior changes at Fidelity International put a new face in charge of its continental European business, while Charles Stanley is targeting improved intermediary relationships with two hires.
OMI keeps distribution deal as Old Mutual exits LatAm
South Africa-headquartered Old Mutual is selling all of its businesses in Latin America to a Singapore-based firm but has confirmed that Old Mutual International will continue its long-standing relationship with regional distributor Aiva.