Fixed Income | news 20 Mar 18
Where next for bond flows?
Skittish investment in high yield and robust demand for emerging market debt led the action by European bond funds over the last year, but will this trend continue?
Standard Life acquirer reshuffles top deck
Phoenix Group Holdings has restructured and reshuffled its executive committee ahead of combining the Standard Life Assurance business.
Retirement | news 19 Mar 18
DB pension reform plans will not stop next collapse
The UK government plan to give The Pensions Regulator teeth to fine and imprison individuals who endanger defined benefit schemes, has been branded slow and impractical.
Aim-listed Harwood acquires Southampton-based IFA
Harwood Wealth Management has continued its buying spree with the purchase of Southampton-based IFA AE Financial Services from its parent company for £4.6m.
Active equity has good year but suffers longer term
More than half of active UK equity funds outperformed last year, but three quarters underperformed over a 10-year period, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices (SPDJI).