Investment | news 21 Jun 18
Vanguard and Blackrock exposed to US child detention camps
Blackrock has blamed index tracking products for its large stake in a contractor involved in child detention centres in the US, while Vanguard, along with several active investors, has been silent on its exposure to the political controversy.
Chinese asset managers eyeing European investors
More China-based asset managers are expected to internationalise and target European investors, according to Alessandro Silvestro, Hong Kong-based managing director, Asia Pacific, at Lemanik Asset Management.
Asia Pacific CFA candidate numbers surge
More than 120,000 people in Asia Pacific have registered to sit CFA Institute exams this month, representing 53% of the record-breaking global intake.
Best Practice | news 20 Jun 18
Older investors ‘de-risking too early’
Too many older clients dial back their investment risk too soon, when they should be taking on opportunities, a survey has found.
Cold-called investor wins compensation
A company that downplayed the risks of buying shares in unlisted companies to a cold-called investor has been ordered by the UK’s Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to put the investor into the position she would have been in had she never invested.