Equities | analysis 17 Jan 18
Blackrock: Active vs passive should be a thing of the past
The active versus passive debate could be history by 2025, according to Blackrock’s Joe Parkin.
Companies | analysis 16 Jan 18
How investors were fooled by the Carillion mirage
Carillion’s investment story, like other firms before it, ultimately evolved into something that sounded too good to be true. Its collapse on Monday raises many questions, namely, at the stage it was in before entering liquidation, who would have even wanted to own it?
Commodities | analysis 15 Jan 18
Gold lining for natural resources funds
Natural resources delivered some dire results in 2017, in stark contrast with the success of the previous year, according to Morningstar analyst Fatima Khizou.
Best Practice | analysis 15 Jan 18
Double milestone for financial planner firm
City of London financial planning firm Investment Quorum has notched up a double milestone, celebrating its most successful year to date and a decade running an in-house investment management arm.
Investment | analysis 12 Jan 18
Is the passive bubble ready to burst?
Everyone has heard about the bitcoin bubble; Neil Woodford has warned of a new tech bubble; and now investors are voicing concerns about a passives bubble. But if such a bubble exists, is it ready to burst? Or will index funds continue to steal market share away from their active peers?