Asia | analysis 5 Jun 15
IFA community called on to embrace regulation in Hong Kong
Financial advisers need to work with regulators to strengthen and simplify educational requirements for the industry, according to participants at the recent Hong Kong Expert Investor Forum.
Asia | analysis 25 May 15
Mutual Alliance: Business strategies with Thailand’s MBMG Group
In signing up to Swiss professional services network Geneva Group International,
MBMG has increased both its international presence and local capability, Paul Gambles, managing partner of MBMG Group, explains.
Middle East | analysis 6 May 15
Clearer regulation key to future Dubai success
A sea change in regulation within the UAE is paving the way to growth for financial services businesses operating in the region, as both advisers and clients become more aware of the opportunities available.
Industry | analysis 5 May 15
UK private healthcare sector poised for wave of M&A
A common feature of any large, developed market is the hegemony of its largest participants. Grocery sales in the UK are dominated by the ‘big four’ supermarkets that, in the 12 weeks ending 4th January 2015, had a combined market share of over 74%. The publically owned ‘big oil’ super majors, big tobacco and telcos are similarly structured.
Investment | analysis 23 Apr 15
Best tools for the job: Platform analysis with Generali International
Technology is radically altering the competitive landscape across all industries.