Wealth Tax
China’s Robin Hood tax mission
The government to cut taxes in 2019 for the poor and go after the wealthy
Tax & Technical | 20 Apr 18
Significant scope for net wealth taxes: OECD report
Net wealth taxes could benefit certain jurisdictions, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Best Practice | 6 Mar 18
Should baby boomers pay more tax?
The chickens have come home to roost for baby boomers and they should be taxed more to create greater fairness between the generations, a UK politician has argued.
Best Practice | 15 Jan 18
French wealth tax restricted to real estate
French residents no longer have to pay a wealth tax on savings and investment income, after sweeping tax reforms came into effect limiting it to real estate.
Finance minister floats Singapore wealth tax
Singapore’s rich could face a tax on their privately-held wealth if the city-state’s finance minister follows through on an off-the-cuff remark he made on Thursday, but analysts are worried it could negatively impact Singapore’s reputation.