North America | 30 Nov 16
Industry still fears Trump will veto US adviser reforms
As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take the helm in the most powerful job on Earth, the advice industry has continued to raise concerns he may scrap the US Department of Labor’s (DoL) upcoming fiduciary rule, requiring specialist retirement advisers to put their client’s interests first.
Investment | 29 Nov 16
ANALYSIS: Will the Fed turn its back on the world next year?
With a December interest rate rise now close to certain, investors will no longer be trying to assess when the Federal Reserve will raise rates next, but what the path will be after this.
Macro Views | 28 Nov 16
It’s anyone’s guess what’s going on inside Trump’s head
What a game changer the election of Donald Trump as US president is likely to be across so many fronts.
Will US equities binge mean a Thanksgiving hangover?
As Americans get stuck into their Thanksgiving day celebrations the rest of the world still has its eye on the investment ball and some may be weighing up whether, just as with food, you can have too much of a good thing.
Maseco Wealth targets ‘gaping hole’ for US citizens in Asia
UK-based Maseco Wealth, the specialist wealth manager for US expat clients, is to target Asia with the launch of an independently owned business in Hong Kong.