VAM rolls out focused clean energy UCITS fund
VAM Funds has launched a highly concentrated 20-25 stock Luxembourg-domiciled Accessible Clean Energy Fund, run by French investment manager Opportunité SA.
asset managers miss out on 1bn of profit
Failing to take full advantage of the freedoms granted under UCITS IV legislation could mean fund managers are missing out on profits.
Fixed Income | 10 Apr 14
ucits bond sales soared in february
EFAMA's February sales statistics reflected fresh interest in bond funds against expectations for continued, yet subdued, inflation and low interest rates remaining.
ucits sales rise sharply while inflows from
Net sales of UCITS rose sharply in January, but net inflows from equity funds suffered a loss.
bonus rules uncerctainty reported
A requirement that managers of UCITS funds take at least 50% of their bonuses in the funds they oversee has created uncertainty in Europe’s asset management industry, though some say the matter has been overblown.