Retirement | 3 Jul 13
hmrc apologises over qrops list mistake
HM Revenue & Customs has published a 30-word apology for releasing an incorrect list of QROPS yesterday which had more than 430 schemes missing and caused widespread confusion within the industry.
Retirement | 2 Jul 13
hmrc admits to qrops list mistake but offers
HM Revenue & Customs has admitted to a “problem” in relation to the list of registered Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes it published last night, which shows more than 430 schemes missing.
momentum to waive transfer surrender penalties
Momentum, the Isle of Man-based international pensions provider, said it is to “waive any transfer or surrender penalties” for those of its clients who get to retirement and find their QROPS is in an unsuitable jurisdiction for their specific needs.
North America | 20 Jun 13
us institutions to expats take your retirement
First American expatriates were told that their bank accounts weren’t welcome. Now, it seems, Americans’ tax-deferred retirement accounts are also increasingly unwanted by US financial institutions, unless these accounts are of significant size.
Retirement | 20 Jun 13
trireme gets hmrc recognition for Malta qrops
Trireme Pensions Services (Malta) has received HM Revenue & Customs recognition for two QROPS products, adding to the growing profile of this jurisdiction in the international pensions marketplace.