Best Practice | 8 Feb 17
PFS targets advisers of tomorrow with development programme
The Personal Finance Society (PFS) has launched a financial adviser development programme that offers support to the employers of aspiring financial advisers across the UK.
Best Practice | 3 Feb 17
Employment prospects on the rise in UK financial advice
More than three quarters of financial advice firms in the UK are considering taking on additional staff in the next few years, according to a Personal Finance Society (PFS) survey.
Tax & Regulation | 23 Jan 17
Regulatory costs the biggest challenge facing advice firms
Regulatory and compliance costs will be one of the biggest threats to financial advice businesses in the UK over the next three years, the Personal Finance Society’s (PFS) 2016 Member Survey found.
Best Practice | 5 Dec 16
Youngest ever financial adviser gains fellowship with UK’s PFS
The UK’s Personal Finance Society has named a London-based 22-year-old financial adviser as its youngest ever to obtain one of its fellowships.
Best Practice | 1 Jun 16
Confidence in UK advisers rises 40% since RDR
Trust and confidence in financial advisers in the UK has risen by 40% since the introduction of the Retail Distribution Review (RDR), research from the Personal Finance Society (PFS) shows.