UK government considers flat-rate pension tax
HM Treasury is investigating whether to introduce a flat rate of pension tax relief, in a bid to raise an extra £4bn (€4.5bn, $5.3bn) a year for the National Health Service (NHS).
Market volatility putting thousands of UK pension pots at risk
Thousands of people in drawdown are not adjusting their pension income levels to account for market volatility, leading to fears they could drain their retirement pots too quickly, research from Zurich has found.
Best Practice | 27 Jun 18
Experts unite to set up Pensions Advice Taskforce
The UK’s Personal Finance Society has formed a taskforce to help provide strategic leadership and a voluntary code of professional standards for pension advice.
Brexit promise could see UK pensions raided
UK prime minister Theresa May shocked many political observers when she promised a £20bn ($26.4bn, €22.8bn) funding boost for the National Health Service (NHS) by 2023 last weekend raising the question of how to pay for it.
Best Practice | 12 Jun 18
Pension checklist for changing job
It can be easy to forget about pension benefits when you are swept up in the excitement and stress of changing job. But as workplace pensions can be very generous, it pays to keep on top of any pots that have been built up, says Fidelity International’s Ed Monk.