Passive Investing
What do investors use ETFs for?
The use of index trackers by professional investors has skyrocketed in recent years. Investors have been attracted by the easy access to ETFs, their transparency and of course their low fees. But what do they exactly use ETFs for? Greenwich Associates asked 132 institutional investors the question.
Macro Views | 10 May 17
Now is a ‘dangerous time’ to invest in passives
The hype around passive products has never been more intense, but Brooks Macdonald Asset Management’s Jon Gumpel warns that there could be danger ahead for passive investors.
Fixed Income | 12 Apr 17
Quality bond ETF providers ‘remain few and far between’
There are very few ETF providers capable of tracking bond markets in a quality way, according to State Street Global Advisors.
‘Expensive’ trackers overlooked in active/passive debate
Passive funds charging investors over the odds have fallen under the radar as the debate over active fees has raged, according to Morningstar’s Jonathan Miller.
Best Practice | 29 Mar 17
HSBC GAM latest passive provider to join ETF Forum
HSBC Global Asset Management is the latest exchange-traded fund (ETF) provider to join the ETF Forum, an industry body tasked with educating UK financial advisers about the passive investment products.