Passive Investing
Investment | 12 Jan 18
Is the passive bubble ready to burst?
Everyone has heard about the bitcoin bubble; Neil Woodford has warned of a new tech bubble; and now investors are voicing concerns about a passives bubble. But if such a bubble exists, is it ready to burst? Or will index funds continue to steal market share away from their active peers?
Canada Life makes passive push with five portfolio funds
Canada Life has expanded its multi-asset range with the launch of five life and pension funds to complement its active range and make its first large-scale push into passive funds.
Investment | 30 Oct 17
Regulation to drive passive boom in 2018
Regulatory change could continue the boom in demand for passive strategies, according to a survey by KPMG and Blackrock.
Investment | 16 Aug 17
Momentum Wealth Int’l adds ETFs to platform range
Guernsey-based platform Momentum Wealth International has introduced a range of ETFs for the first time, in the expectation that financial advisers will make increasing use of this type of investment vehicle in client portfolios.
Investment | 14 Aug 17
Six of the best US ETFs
Passive funds have enjoyed a stellar time in the US as valuations ride higher and higher. Here, IG Group’s Oliver Smith looks at the six best ETFs to access booming US markets.