investor group demands action over lm
A group of investors in the failed LM Investment Management range of funds is calling for an investigation into the collapse of the company.
Middle East | 25 Nov 13
lmim group calls on advisers to stand up
Members of an adviser group seeking to claw back money for investors in the LM Investment Management range of funds, are calling on advisers to stand up and take responsibility for their advice.
effectiveness of australian regulator called
A group of IFAs representing investors in the failed LM Investment Management company have made a submission to the Australian government questioning the effectiveness of the country’s financial regulator.
lm managed performance fund trustees plan
KordaMentha, the appointed trustee of the beleaguered LM Managed Performance Fund, is seeking advice from the Supreme Court of Australia over whether to pursue former trustee LM Investment Management for almost A$2m (1.3m, £1.1m $1.9m).
lm founder drake to surrender passport
The Supreme Court of Queensland has ordered the surrender of the passport of LM Investment Management founder Peter Drake, restrained his travel out of Australia and frozen his assets, as the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)’s investigation into the fund management firm continues.