Abbey Intl boosts sterling rates for account holders
Abbey International (AI) has boosted the interest rates it pays to sterling customers of its so-called Gold current accounts.
Alternatives | 27 Jun 11
The road to financial stability.are we there yet?
Geoff Cook, chief executive of Jersey Finance, gives his expert and unblinking assessment of the controversial draft EU directive aimed at curbing alternative investment funds.
Assurance given that Privy Council to move on Jersey foundations
Jersey officials have been given a strong indication that that their new foundations law will go before the Privy Council in London on 10 June.
Profiles & Comment | 27 Jun 11
Opinion: The Attack on Offshore
The mounting effects of the global financial crisis have sparked some wild accusations as governments, experts and investors alike have tried to identify scapegoats. Predictably, hostility towards of
Jersey delegation to visit US to rebut tax haven status
Jersey government officials will travel to Washington in March to defend the island against an expected renewed attack on offshore financial centres by US lawmakers.
They will meet ne