High Net Worth
People Moves | 4 Jul 12
hnwis more altruistic than advisers think
High net worth individuals are more altruistic than wealth advisers think, according to a global study published by Liechtenstein-headquartered private bank Kaiser Partner.
asia now has more millionaires than north america
For the first time in the 16 years that Capgemini has surveyed the worlds wealthy, Asia came out on top as the region with the most people with $1m or more in total wealth, the latest World Wealth Report reveals.
People Moves | 18 Jun 12
lombard hires aegons bissett for team
Lombard International Assurance has hired long-time Aegon executive John Bissett to further strengthen its private banking team, and signalled that it is planning to make additional appointments.
wealthy asians hungry for financial advice
Nine in ten affluent Asians expect their financial services provider to offer education on investments and wealth management, according to a major study conducted by Standard Chartered Bank and Scorpio Partnership, a global strategy research company.
People Moves | 14 Mar 12
dbs private bank expands asia hnwi operation
The private banking arm of Singapore-based DBS Bank is creating a new international private banking team to tap what it said is a rising demand from international high net worth individuals keen to invest in Asias growth.