North America | 25 Jul 12
factd off with fatca
Like it or not, the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is happening and is just around the corner. Here Royal London 360°s technical marketing manager, Neil Chadwick, explains its impact.
North America | 24 Jul 12
my big fat belizean singaporean bank
Recent press scrutiny of US presidential candidate Mitt Romneys use of a Swiss bank account which came to light with the publication of his 2010 tax return has prompted an American journalist to document his his own efforts to go to offshore.
North America | 8 Jun 12
irs issues new drafts of w 8ben forms to
The American tax collection agency, the IRS, has updated and issued new drafts of the W-8BEN and W-8BEN-E forms as it gears up for the implementation of FATCA next year.
North America | 17 May 12
foreign businesses vent ire at irs
Representatives from non-US financial institutions have called on the US to postpone implementation of FATCA, the package of regulations aimed at cracking down on tax evasion by US citizens who make use of non-US bank accounts and other financial instruments.
North America | 10 May 12
most banks will miss fatca deadlines
“Many” US and global banking industry executives believe that the majority of banks required to comply with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) will not be ready to meet its deadlines some of which begin on Jan. 1, 2013, a survey conducted by KPMGs US operation has found.