Emerging Markets | 19 Feb 24
Baroness Dambisa Moyo: Why traditional multi-asset portfolios may lose their shine
The economist and author discusses return opportunities and risk mitigation
Investment | 7 Feb 24
Calastone: January 2024 sees most bullish investor sentiment in almost three years
Investors added £2bn to equity funds in January in one of the best months on record, but Calastone warns that returning confidence ‘should be treated with caution’
Global sustainable funds see first quarter of outflows
‘Chilling effect’ in the US and active management redemptions have pushed flows into negative territory, Morningstar reported
EY: Appointments of women as UK financial service directors falls 28 percentage points in 2023
The UK has the lowest percentage of female appointments across major European markets
Passives to be ‘significantly underrepresented’ in SDR labels
Morningstar analysis shows high number are not within the scope of FCA labelling regime