People Moves | 4 Mar 14
cisi launches global online jobs board
The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment has launched what it is calling an "online jobs board" to enable both CISI members and non-members to search for and place jobs in the global financial services industry.
cisi to introduce integrity test in ireland
The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is to extend its mandatory ‘IntegrityMatters’ test to candidates in Ireland, Europe and North America from 1 February next year.
People Moves | 31 Jul 13
jonathan leece named president of cisi isle of man
Jonathan Leece has been elected president of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment’s Isle of Man branch, succeeding Sue Preskey.
cisi warns austrian meps to stop meddling
More than half of financial services practitioners surveyed by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment believe bonuses should be set by banks’ shareholders, not politicians as the group calls on Austrian MEPs to “stop meddling”.
Tax & Regulation | 2 Apr 13
ethics test from today for cap markets profs
From today, individuals looking to be qualified by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment as capital markets professionals will be required to pass a compulsory ethics test before being permitted to sit the qualifications exams.