Fixed interest portfolio
A low-risk, fixed interest portfolio that is structured to preserve capital and provide income. The portfolio will be fully invested in a range of fixed income securities, encompassing investment grade, emerging market and high-yield bonds. Equity exposure will be 0%, with any non-fixed interest exposure limited to cash. The recommended investment time frame for this strategy is in excess of three years.
A low risk, defensive portfolio structured to provide wealth preservation and returns in excess of cash. The majority of investments will be in stable assets, such as cash and fixed interest securities, with some limited exposure to growth assets such as equity and property. Equity exposure is expected to range between 10-30%. The recommended investment time frame for this strategy is in excess of three years. Long-term returns are targeted to beat inflation.
Cautious Balanced
A low-to-medium risk, cautious portfolio structured to provide a large degree of capital protection with an element of capital growth over the medium to long-term. Capital growth investments will be made in a combination of stable and growth assets. Equity exposure is expected to range between 30-55%. The recommended investment time frame for this strategy is in excess of five years. Long-term returns are targeted to exceed inflation by 2% pa.
A medium risk, balanced portfolio structured to provide a combination of capital growth and wealth protection, without full equity market volatility. Investments will be weighted towards growth assets, such as equities and property, with a lower weighting to stable investments such as fixed interest securities. Equity exposure is expected to range between 55-75%. The recommended investment time frame for this strategy is in excess of five years. Long-term returns are targeted to exceed inflation by 3% pa.
A medium-to-high risk, capital growth orientated portfolio structured to provide high levels of participation in growth assets, with high levels of associated equity market risk. The majority of investments will be in growth assets, such as equities, property and other alternative asset classes of investment, with smaller allocations to stable investments such as fixed interest securities. Equity exposure is expected to range between 75-95%. The recommended investment time frame for this strategy is in excess of five years. Long-term returns are targeted to exceed inflation by 4% pa.
High Growth
A high-risk capital growth strategy, structured with the sole aim of long-term capital growth with commensurate high levels of equity market risk. Investments will be almost exclusively made in growth assets, with equity exposure is expected to exceed 90%. The recommended time frame for this strategy is in excess of five years. Long-term returns are targeted to exceed inflation by 5% pa.