Alternatives | 14 Jun 16
Limited fortunes will take brave hearts – Pictet AM
For the next five years investors with multi asset portfolios need to be thinking in terms of a 2.5-3.0% real rate of return and even then they will need to hold a lot more high risk assets, according to Pictet Asset Management.
Alternatives | 14 Jun 16
Manulife set to expand across Europe
Manulife Asset Management, the investment management arm of Canada’s Manulife Financial Corporation, has announced plans to expand across Europe and has boosted its operations in the UK.
Alternatives | 9 Jun 16
Generali Germany folded into Generali Investments
Generali Investments Deutschland (GID) has been merged into Generali Investments, as part of the group’s strategy to streamline its global asset management operations.
Alternatives | 8 Jun 16
Ireland’s Icav attracts €8.4bn in first 12 months
A year after it was launched, the Irish Collective Asset Management Vehicle (Icav) has registered 157 new funds and recorded inflows of €8.4bn (£6.6bn, $9.5bn).
Alternatives | 2 Jun 16
EU looks to improve access of cross-border Ucits and AIFs
The EU has launched an investigation into the barriers blocking the distribution of Ucits and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) in a bid to increase the take up of the products across its 28 member states.