Alternatives | 27 Jun 11
IMAs Syyrilä reiterates UK concerns over AIFM directive
Europe’s proposed AIFM directive could damage its funds industry, the IMA’s Jarkko Syyrilä warned.
Alternatives | 27 Jun 11
LGT CP to launch Ucits fund of hedge funds
LGT Capital Partners is launching a Dublin-domiciled Ucits III fund of hedge funds.
Alternatives | 27 Jun 11
Congressman’s letter sparks EU concerns of protectionism
A senior congressman has called on the US to retaliate if the EU goes ahead with the AIFM directive.
Alternatives | 27 Jun 11
Newcits greatest risk is ‘not living up to hype’
One of the biggest threats to the growing Ucits hedge fund sector is it not living up to its hype.
Alternatives | 27 Jun 11
The road to financial stability.are we there yet?
Geoff Cook, chief executive of Jersey Finance, gives his expert and unblinking assessment of the controversial draft EU directive aimed at curbing alternative investment funds.