Technology | 6 Nov 15
Top 10 future uses for smartphones
As cell phones became “smart” phones they incorporated more and more features that have effectively replaced a whole range of standalone items that we used to need. Cameras, calculators, diaries, sat-nav and even torches have gone (or are going) the way of the Dodo, all replaced by the ubiquitous smart phone.
So what else might your mobile phone replace in the next 10 years? Of course, it’s only our opinion, what do you think?
Technology | 6 Oct 15
The future of smartphones
According to the United Nations, 6 of the world’s 7 billion people had a mobile phone in 2013. To put this into some kind of context, only 4.5 billion had a toilet! Globally today there are now more mobile devices (phones and tablets) than people. Mobile phones are the fastest growing man-made phenomenon we’ve ever seen.