Mimi began her career in the financial services industry since 1984. In 2010 she joined Masthead in her current capacity.
Prior to this, Mimi ran her own business for four years, with a focus on human resources, industrial relations and practice management. She has worked as an academic writer and examiner for the business management module of the Milpark National Certificate for Financial Planners. She has also served in financial services companies in various capacities, including broker consultant, branch and regional manager and HR director.
Mimi has a BA (psychology); she is a Certified Financial Planner and holds a Certificate in Compliance. She is also a registered compliance officer. She is a member of the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) and was a regional representative of the FPI in the Western Cape for seven years.
Best Practice | 1 Jun 16
What is practice management?
This video series from Old Mutual International looks at what Practice Management is, how to build a sustainable business and the stepping stones to help you get there. Video 1 looks at the main components of practice management and provides an example of how it has improved a business.