Emerging Markets | 15 May 18
Why India is the top EM pick
India has a big demographic story, which is among the reasons why it stands out for us, and why it is the largest single country overweight within our emerging markets (EM) equity allocation, says Jaisal Pastakia, investment manager, Heartwood Investment Management.
Advisers look for certainty as pension transfer flux continues
As the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) finalises its policy paper on defined benefit (DB) pension transfers, experts hope it will bring some certainty to an industry that has been in a constant state of flux since 2015.
Best Practice | 25 Apr 18
Six insights into what non-resident Indians want
What are the main concerns that non-resident Indians who live in the UAE have about their own financial planning needs and how can advisers help?
Promising yields on offer with European equities
Yields are looking attractive and there are some interesting capital growth opportunities in some segments of the Europe ex UK market, according to fund analysts Morningstar.
Best Practice | 6 Apr 18
Founder of giant EU adviser training body ‘undimmed’ by Brexit
The founder of the European Financial Planners Association, Josep Soler-Alberti, explains to International Adviser about his mission to educate.