Ex-C Hoare and First Names trio to enhance index service
The former heads of C. Hoare & Co Wealth Management, James Hoare and Annamaria Koerling, together with Andrew de la Haye, deputy managing director of First Names Group, have acquired a majority stake in Enhance MPI Ltd.
International wealth boutique buys into UK IFA
London-based wealth manager Dolfin has formed a strategic partnership with the advisory group Alexander House Financial Services.
EU puts US on the clock for tax blacklist
If the US does not comply with the OECD Common Reporting Standard by June next year it faces being placed on the EU blacklist for non-cooperative jurisdictions, an EU top official has warned.
Transact entry into FTSE 250 points the way for more platforms
The entry of Integrafin, the parent company of platform provider Transact, into the FTSE 250 index has been described as good news for rival platforms and wealth managers considering a listing.
Pension firm with 15 schemes shuttered by UK court
A group of 15 rip off pension schemes operated by a single company, which duped savers and allowed “unsavoury advisers” to pocket £4m in commissions, have been declared insolvent.