I am not generally one to kick off with doom and gloom but I’m going to because I want to remind you why staying totally focused in your business is so important. I would say that you need to be so focused that people actually think you’re crazy.
In my previous article, I introduced the seven pains:
- A lack of buy-in from your team
- A lack of business direction and leadership skills
- No real clarity about your businesses’ financial position
- No clearly designed and repeatable service/client journey
- Ineffective communication methods
- Out-of-date or unsuitable IT tools and systems
- A lack of resources and appropriate skills
They are no fun at all, so what can we do about them? Quite a bit, and it all starts with ‘ways of the wow world’ (Woww), which was conceived as ‘ways for well-being at work’.
I’m crazy about creating a feeling of Woww for as many people in my life as I possibly can.
Why? Because in the beautiful words of Maya Angelou: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
The word Wow is very personal, it means different things to different people so let me ask you ‘When I say the word Wow what word comes to mind?’ Write it down, and let’s make this real.
It doesn’t matter what word you came up with. The important thing is that it is your word, and it encompasses for you what Wow looks like in every element of your life.
But if I asked you to describe your life and your business – would you use that word to describe them? I would say it’s probably unlikely.
When you live your life both personally and professionally in line with your Wow word, amazing things just start to happen. In fact it’s almost like someone has lifted the fog, the hazy windscreen that’s been blocking your view for years.